Steuerle Funeral Chapel

Flower Delivery to Hitzeman Funeral Home and Cremation Services in Brookfield, IL

Sympathy and Funeral Flowers

Sometimes, the really hard things happen. When faced with the loss of a friend or loved one, a floral expression of sympathy will comfort and support those who are grieving.

At Sister Squared Florist, we strive to share your most heartfelt condolences in difficult times. Sprays, arrangements, wreaths and other designs are always one of a kind, custom created especially for the family, as a deep show of your love and encouragement. Dish gardens, blooming, and green plants are always available Delivered to the home, church, or funeral home, your gift will be there for the family to know how much you care.

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Amazing Flower Collection from an Award Winning Florist is at your fingertips

We are Julie and Diane of Sister Squared. Together, we started this company to create custom, unique floral arrangements that stand out from the cookie-cutter products you’ll find elsewhere. We listen to every word you say, every emotion you express, and our team of professional designers personally craft each arrangement specifically for you. We use the highest quality flowers from all over the world and set them in carefully selected, creatively chosen containers that reflect your history, personality, or passion.

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